9. Someone from my family

Today I will tell you about my best friend, who to me is just another sister and well they always say that you don't choose your family but she is part of my chosen family :)

Her name is Antonia, she is studying psychology at the USACH, she is 20 years old and is a virgo, many people say that zodiac signs say a lot these days, so I put it in case it is true.

I met her at work, at burger king, a month after I turned 18 (I started working in November) and she had started working in October, the thing is that my first week working I had seen her but I was nervous to talk to her because she had a not very friendly look but I was wrong, we went out one day and since then I think we have not separated.

You may think that it is too little time to say that I consider her family but I really believe that she is one of the healthiest friendships and where I feel the most free to be myself. 

I consider her to be empathetic, sensitive, strong, a fighter, funny and with a lot of patience, but also if you get her out of her temper she can be quite a pain in the ass. She loves reading, going out, she is a dog lover (she has 4 dogs) and even volunteers at a veterinarian to walk the dogs and was a volunteer to give them a temporary home, now she can't, since the last two dogs were adopted by her because she got very attached to them. 

I have only good things to say about her, she is very studious, hardworking and has worked very hard to overcome many things that have happened to her and have affected her behavior. She is a great daughter and great sister, every time I go to her house or we talk about her family, I see how much she loves and everything she does to show it.

I lack words to be able to describe how great she is but I think I did my best to do her person justice.


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