1. Introduction

                                          Hello! My name is Catalina Loayza Ampuero.

I'm an architecture student and this is my second year. I was born on October 4, 2003, I am 19 years old and my zodiac sign is Libra. I live in Maipú since I was 2 years old with part of my family, my mother and stepfather, both have hearing problems, so I speak sign language. I also live with 2 of my younger sisters, and I have 1 older sister who does not live with me and my younger brothers live with my dad. I have many hobbies, these are drawing, knitting, embroidery, painting, listening to music, watching series and movies, etc. but currently I don't have much time because as I said before, I study architecture. One of my goals is to get better at tattooing and tattoo someone other than myself (I have done about 6 tattoos on myself). Another goal is to finish my degree so I can get the cardboard hahaha. Well, that's all I can think of to tell you about me for/at the moment.

These are some embroideries I did some time ago


  1. The embroidery is so cute! It's sad not to have time for the career :( cheer up with this semester!!

  2. You are so talented! I would love to see your tattoos!

  3. Your work is so good! I'd love to see more of it

  4. That´s great, I love tattos, I also wanted to learn, but i never dared, I hove you can improve, here´s you want to grate jsjss.


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