6. A book

The book I would recommend would be Fahrenheit 451, although I think most people know it (according to me it is a fairly well known book), it is one of the most famous dystopian novels of the twentieth century. In it, the American writer Ray Bradbury (1920 - 2012) stressed the importance of critical thinking. He also warned about the danger of an existence based on consumption and entertainment.

This is one of the books that left me the trajectory in high school (2018-2021), most of the time they made us read books that made us reflect and there are few that I ended up liking such as: The Intermittences of Death (José Saramago), 1984 (George Orwell) and Apocalyptic and Integrated (Umberto Eco).

This work presents a world in which books are forbidden. Firemen are in charge of burning them, in order to prevent the "infection of thought" from spreading. In fact, the title of the book comes from the temperature at which the paper burns.

If I remember correctly, the main character of the story is Montag, a fireman who does his job and leads a simple life. One day he meets his neighbor, a young woman different from the rest of the people, with whom they have several conversations and the girl asks him many questions. This leads Montag, for the first time in his life, to begin to question his existence and his actions, and later the restlessness to know what he is destroying leads him to read a book. After this action, he will never be the same and will join the fight to defend freedom.

I like this book very much, I have read it several times since the first time, I like it because I think it is a scenario not so far away from what we are transforming as a society and even though this book shows a fictitious scenario and an imaginary society under a certain ideology and totalitarian power, I think that at some point it could stop being fictitious and become our reality.


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