3. girl's trip

Hi, I'm doing this blog late, since I missed the class where it was done, so here we go.

The truth is that I could not say that I have traveled a lot during the years that I have lived, nor that I know many places. The places I have been to the most, in general, are beaches and mainly the beaches of Algarrobo and San Sebastian. These trips are with almost all my paternal family (my stepfather's) but I am going to tell you about a trip I made with my sister and people who are not biologically family but have been joining me over the years just like me.

This trip I don't really remember where it was (I must admit I'm not very good with place names) but I do remember it was to a beach. At the beginning we were going with my stepsister Barbara (25), one of my younger sisters Francisca (16), an aunt-in-law Erika (29) and finally a cousin-in-law Jazmin (30) but for me they are all very good friends and partners. A day before the trip my older sister had a complication and cancelled our trip, but we went anyway. 

We didn't even have the tickets but once we arrived at the bus terminal, we bought them. A little bit of everything happened to us, since it was the first time we traveled by bus (all family trips we went by car or hired a minivan) and we got lost in the terminal, we could not find our bus, then in the bus we fell asleep and we did not hear when they told us the place where we had to get off, so we missed it. 

In resume, we managed to get to the house we rented, you arrive very late and the days we were there (if I'm not mistaken I think it was 3 days), we prepared quite tasty food but easy to transport, as we tried to travel as much as possible and not spend all day in the house, we walked along several beaches walking along the seashore and climbing the rocks (carefully), that if I almost fell several times due to moisture on the rocks.

Well the thing is that we had a great time, it was a very nice trip, without complications or problems (because when we travel many together and live together for many days, there is almost always a problem or disagreement in my family), it was also a fairly simple trip and somehow improvised.
That would be all :)

here's another picture but of
the beach and my sneakers haha
here the picture before the bus
left for the trip to the beach


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